Whole-House Water Treatment South Jersey

EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment serves the home water treatment needs of Southern New Jersey. For the health and safety of your family, it is important to have access to clean, contaminant-free water throughout your home. Our South Jersey water treatment experts offer water analysis and personalized water treatment services for your entire home. This includes your bathroom, shower, kitchen, drinking water, and even your ice maker.

Our Water Treatment Services

Whole-House Point-Of-Entry (POE) System Explained
Point-of-entry (POE), or whole-house systems, typically treat most of the water entering a residence. Before a system is installed, water testing should be completed to determine what contaminants you need to be treated. EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment can test on-site for PH, iron, and hardness with relatively good results. Other parameters should be tested by a certified lab.
Once your needs are determined, EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment can come up with a personalized solution for your home. Treated water can be diverted to where you need it, so no energy is wasted. For instance, you may not want your sprinkler system water to be treated like your bathing water, or you will probably want your drinking water to be treated more thoroughly than your kitchen sink.
Neutralizer Water Treatment System
A neutralizer system treats low PH in the water at the point of entry into your home. Low PH describes the level of acidity of your water. Acidic water wears away metal pipes and fixtures, corroding them from the inside out. This can cause leaking or cracked pipes and fixtures, as well as the release of harmful VOCs into your water.
Limestone is used to neutralize the water’s PH level, slowly dissolving into the water and bringing it to a healthy level. At least once a year, a service professional should test the PH levels in your water and replenish the limestone resin in your tank.
Most homes in South Jersey have Low PH. According to government regulations, a healthy PH level should be between 6.5-8.5. The lower your PH number, the more acidic your water becomes (Sulfuric Acid has a PH level of 1.84). The limestone used in this system can cause water hardness.
Water Softener
A water softener uses a cation ion resin, in the form of small plastic beads, to attract elements such as iron, manganese, lead, and calcium (a.k.a. hardness) in your water at the point of entry into your home. A salt/brine tank is then used to regenerate the resin during a backwash cycle. The salt or brine used to regenerate the ion resin needs to be replenished every 3 months to 1 year depending on your system.
Water hardness and calcium build-up are other problems faced by many homeowners. Calcium buildup can clog piping and cause inefficiencies in your water heating systems.
Nitrate Water Treatment Systems
Another point of entry system, a nitrate system uses an anion resin to attract the nitrates from farming fertilizers or decomposition of leaves that seep into the groundwater. A salt/brine tank is then used to regenerate the resin during a backwash cycle. The salt or brine used to regenerate the ion resin needs to be replenished every three months to one year depending on your system.
Nitrate is a tasteless, colorless, and odorless compound that cannot be detected unless your water is chemically tested. Nitrate is extremely harmful as it can prevent blood from carrying oxygen properly. Symptoms are seen more often in infants, small children, and the elderly. If you have a private water supply or live in a high-risk area, where fertilizers are frequently used, you should have your water tested annually. EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment can do this test in-house at the time of service.
Water Filters
A water treatment filter uses a dense but light resin to capture foreign materials, such as iron and other particles. The resin used in a water filter does not dissolve into water. However, the mechanical filter valve that backwashes periodically to clean the system should be serviced on an annual basis.
Carbon Water Treatment System
A carbon system is used to address foul tastes and odors of your water, caused many times by chlorine or sulfur. The carbon resin will periodically need to be dumped and rebedded with new carbon. This should be done when the tastes and odors resurface.
Municipal or city water is normally heavily treated with chlorine to prevent disinfectant byproducts from entering your home, giving your water a bad taste.
Sulfur can be a problem in your home’s water, giving your water that rotten egg smell. If the smell is only coming from your hot water, it could be produced by your hot water heater(s). EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment can determine if this is the case and help with the problem.
Odor Oxidizer Water Treatment System
The oxidizer system is the only system EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment will guarantee to completely eliminate sulfur in your water. This system uses a high-pressure pump that prevents the sulfur gas from surviving in the water’s environment. The oxidizer system will also increase the water pressure in your home!
Mercury Water Treatment System
The mercury system uses a KDF resin to remove the mercury at the point of entry into your home. If mercury contamination is discovered in your ground water the state should pay for the installation of the system and its maintenance. EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment would become the ‘operator of your system’ contracted by the state for installation and maintenance, and we would bill the state directly.
Your water should be lab tested periodically and your system should be serviced every 6 months. Depending on your lab results, the resin may need to be dumped and rebedded.
The state covers the installation and service costs of a new mercury system if mercury is found in the water supply of the home. However, once the home is sold, the state abandons the system and no longer covers the servicing of the system. This cost falls to the new homeowner.
EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment offers a special contract for homeowners abandoned by the State. Ask your technician about this service contract if your new home has a mercury system installed.
Volatile Organic Compound Water Treatment System
A volatile organic compound system (VOC) treats dangerous compounds related to chlorinated solvents and fuels found in a home’s ground water. If VOC contamination is discovered in your groundwater, the state should pay for the installation of the system and its maintenance. EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment would become the ‘operator of your system’ contracted by the state for installation and maintenance, and we would bill the state directly.
There are two resin tanks in a VOC system, with water testing ports set up before the first tank, in the middle, and after the second tank. During maintenance, the middle port is tested to determine if the first tank needs to be rebedded. If it does, it is replaced with the 2nd tank and a new tank is placed in the 2nd tank position. This way the water is always treated through a fresh tank before entering your home.
The state covers the installation and service costs of a new VOC system if dangerous compounds are found in the water supply of the home. However, once the home is sold, the state abandons the system and no longer covers the servicing of the system. This cost falls to the new homeowner. EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment offers a special contract for homeowners abandoned by the state. Ask your technician about this service contract if your new home has a VOC system installed.
Auto Backwash Valves
Certain systems, such as neutralizers and softeners use a backwash function to clear contaminants from the system. EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment can install 2 different kinds of valves depending on your water usage habits. Generally, 6-18 lbs. of salt and up to 75 gallons of water are flushed with each backwash, so it is important to only do so when it is necessary.
Timed Backwash Valve
A timed backwash valve is set to backwash your system on a specific day of the week, depending on your family’s water usage and the system being used. An EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment technician will estimate your average water usage and your system will be set to backwash in a specific amount of days regardless of your actual usage.
Metered Backwash Valve
The metered backwash valve is a more efficient and cost-saving solution. In this case, an EnviroSafe Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water Treatment technician will set your meter valve to a specific number of gallons that your system is capable of handling, and when you meet that usage the system will backwash. This prevents your system from backwashing when not needed, such as when you are away on vacation and using little to no water.
Your South Jersey Whole-House Water Treatment Pros
We know how important it is to have clean, healthy water in your home for your family. When it’s time for a whole-house water treatment system, schedule with us today! We are here to help.